Source code for lipyds.leafletfinder.leafletfinder



.. autoclass:: LeafletFinder

from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from MDAnalysis.core.universe import Universe
from MDAnalysis.core.groups import AtomGroup
from MDAnalysis.selections import get_writer
from MDAnalysis.analysis.distances import capped_distance, distance_array

from .grouping import GraphMethod, SpectralClusteringMethod
from ..lib.utils import cached_property
from ..lib import mdautils

[docs] class LeafletFinder: """Identify atoms in the same leaflet of a lipid bilayer. You can use a predefined method ("graph", "spectralclustering"). Alternatively, you can pass in your own function as a method. Parameters ---------- universe : Universe or AtomGroup Atoms to apply the algorithm to select : str A :meth:`Universe.select_atoms` selection string for atoms that define the lipid head groups, e.g. universe.atoms.PO4 or "name PO4" or "name P*" cutoff : float (optional) cutoff distance for computing distances (for the spectral clustering method) or determining connectivity in the same leaflet (for the graph method). In spectral clustering, it just has to be suitably large to cover a significant part of the leaflet, but lower values increase computational efficiency. Please see the :func:`optimize_cutoff` function for help with values for the graph method. A cutoff is not used for the "center_of_geometry" method. pbc : bool (optional) If ``False``, does not follow the minimum image convention when computing distances method: str or function (optional) method to use to assign groups to leaflets. Choose "graph" for :class:`~lipyds.leafletfinder.grouping.GraphMethod`; "spectralclustering" for :class:`~lipyds.leafletfinder.grouping.SpectralClusteringMethod`; **kwargs: Passed to ``method`` Attributes ---------- universe: Universe select: str Selection string selection: AtomGroup Atoms that the analysis is applied to residues: ResidueGroup residues that the analysis is applied to headgroups: List of AtomGroup Atoms that the analysis is applied to, grouped by residue. pbc: bool Whether to use PBC or not leaflet_indices_by_size: list of list of indices List of residue indices in each leaflet. This is the index of residues in ``residues``, *not* the canonical ``resindex`` attribute from MDAnalysis. Leaflets are sorted by size such that the largest leaflet is first. leaflet_residues_by_size: list of ResidueGroup List of ResidueGroups in each leaflet. Leaflets are sorted by size such that the largest leaflet is first. leaflet_atoms_by_size: list of AtomGroup List of AtomGroups in each leaflet. Leaflets are sorted by size such that the largest leaflet is first. leaflet_indices: list of list of indices List of residue indices in each leaflet. This is the index of residues in ``residues``, *not* the canonical ``resindex`` attribute from MDAnalysis. leaflet_residues: list of ResidueGroup List of ResidueGroups in each leaflet. The leaflets are sorted by z-coordinate so that the lower-most leaflet is first. leaflet_atoms: list of AtomGroup List of AtomGroups in each leaflet. The leaflets are sorted by z-coordinate so that the lower-most leaflet is first. """ def __init__(self, universe: Union[AtomGroup, Universe], select: Optional[str] = 'all', select_tailgroups: Optional[str] = None, cutoff: float = 40, pbc: bool = True, method: str = "spectralclustering", n_leaflets: int = 2, normal_axis: str = "z", update_TopologyAttr: bool = False, **kwargs): self._cache = {} self.universe = universe.universe self.pbc = pbc self.n_leaflets = n_leaflets self.cutoff = cutoff self.kwargs = dict(**kwargs) self._normal_axis = ["x", "y", "z"].index(normal_axis) self.atomgroup = universe.select_atoms(select, periodic=pbc) self.atoms_by_residue = self.atomgroup.split("residue") self._first_residue_atoms = sum(ag[0] for ag in self.atoms_by_residue) self.residues = self.atomgroup.residues self.n_residues = len(self.residues) if select_tailgroups is not None: self.tailgroups = self.residues.atoms.select_atoms(select_tailgroups, periodic=pbc) else: self.tailgroups = self.residues.atoms - self.atomgroup if pbc: self._get_box = lambda: self.universe.dimensions else: self._get_box = lambda: None if isinstance(method, str): method = method.lower().replace('_', '') if method == "graph": self.method = GraphMethod(self.atomgroup, self.tailgroups, cutoff=self.cutoff, pbc=self.pbc, **kwargs) self._method = elif method == "spectralclustering": self.method = SpectralClusteringMethod(self.atomgroup, self.tailgroups, cutoff=self.cutoff, pbc=self.pbc, n_leaflets=self.n_leaflets, **kwargs) self._method = else: self._method = self.method = method self._update_TopologyAttr = update_TopologyAttr @property def box(self): return self._get_box()
[docs] def run(self): """ This clears the cache for lazy running. """ self._cache = {} self._output_leaflet_indices if self._update_TopologyAttr: self.atomgroup.universe.add_TopologyAttr("leaflet") for i, residues in enumerate(self.leaflet_residues): for residue in residues: residue.leaflet = i
[docs] def write_selection(self, filename, mode="w", format=None, **kwargs): """Write selections for the leaflets to *filename*. The format is typically determined by the extension of *filename* (e.g. "vmd", "pml", or "ndx" for VMD, PyMol, or Gromacs). See :class:`MDAnalysis.selections.base.SelectionWriter` for all options. """ sw = get_writer(filename, format) with sw(filename, mode=mode, preamble=f"Leaflets found by {repr(self)}\n", **kwargs) as writer: for i, ag in enumerate(self.leaflet_atoms, 1): writer.write(ag, name=f"leaflet_{i:d}")
def __repr__(self): return (f"LeafletFinder(method={self.method}, select='{self.atomgroup}', " f"cutoff={self.cutoff:.1f} Å, pbc={self.pbc})") @cached_property def _output_leaflet_indices(self): clusters = self._method(selection=self.atomgroup, tailgroups=self.tailgroups, cutoff=self.cutoff,, **self.kwargs) return [sorted(x) for x in clusters] @cached_property def residue_leaflets(self): arr = np.full(self.n_residues, -1, dtype=int) for leaflet, residues in enumerate(self.leaflet_indices): for residue_index in residues: arr[residue_index] = leaflet return arr @cached_property def _output_leaflet_residues(self): return [self.residues[x] for x in self._output_leaflet_indices] def _get_atomgroup_by_indices(self, indices): ag = sum(self.atoms_by_residue[i] for i in indices) if not ag: return self.atomgroup[[]] return ag @cached_property def _output_leaflet_atoms(self): return [self._get_atomgroup_by_indices(x) for x in self._output_leaflet_indices] @cached_property def leaflet_indices_by_size(self): return sorted(self._output_leaflet_indices, key=len, reverse=True) @cached_property def leaflet_residues_by_size(self): return [self.residues[x] for x in self.leaflet_indices_by_size] @cached_property def leaflet_atoms_by_size(self): return [self._get_atomgroup_by_indices(x) for x in self.leaflet_indices_by_size] def _argsort_by_normal(self, groups): positions = [x.positions for x in groups] unwrapped = [mdautils.unwrap_coordinates(x, x[0], for x in positions] vals = [np.mean(x[:, self._normal_axis]) for x in unwrapped] args = np.argsort(vals)[::-1] return args @cached_property def _output_by_normal(self): return self._argsort_by_normal(self._output_leaflet_atoms) @cached_property def leaflet_indices_by_normal(self): return [self._output_leaflet_indices[i] for i in self._output_by_normal] @cached_property def leaflet_residues_by_normal(self): return [self._output_leaflet_residues[i] for i in self._output_by_normal] @cached_property def leaflet_atoms_by_normal(self): return [self._output_leaflet_atoms[i] for i in self._output_by_normal] @cached_property def _argsort_by_size_and_normal(self): atoms = self.leaflet_atoms_by_size[:self.n_leaflets] return self._argsort_by_normal(atoms) @cached_property def leaflet_indices(self): return [self.leaflet_indices_by_size[i] for i in self._argsort_by_size_and_normal] @cached_property def leaflet_residues(self): return [self.leaflet_residues_by_size[i] for i in self._argsort_by_size_and_normal] @cached_property def leaflet_atoms(self): return [self.leaflet_atoms_by_size[i] for i in self._argsort_by_size_and_normal] @cached_property def leaflet_coordinates(self): by_leaflet = [mdautils.get_centers_by_residue(ag, for ag in self.leaflet_atoms] unwrapped = [mdautils.unwrap_coordinates(x, center=by_leaflet[0][0], for x in by_leaflet] center = np.concatenate(unwrapped).mean(axis=0) return unwrapped return [x - center for x in unwrapped] @cached_property def resindex_to_leaflet(self): r2l = {} for i, residues in enumerate(self.leaflet_residues): for resindex in residues.resindices: self.resindex_to_leaflet[resindex] = i def atom_leaflet_by_distance(self, atom, cutoff=10): zs = self._first_residue_atoms.positions # zs[:, :2] = 0 atom_z = atom.position # atom_z[:2] = 0 pairs, dists = capped_distance(atom_z, zs, max_cutoff=self.cutoff,, return_distances=True) if dists.min() > cutoff: return -1 if len(pairs): neighbors = self.residue_leaflets[pairs[:, 1]] most_common = np.bincount(neighbors).argmax() return most_common distances = distance_array(atom.position, self._first_residue_atoms.positions, arg = distances.argmin() return self.residue_leaflets[distances.argmin()] def assign_atoms_by_distance(self, atomgroup, cutoff=10): leaflets = np.full(len(atomgroup), -1, dtype=int) for i, atom in enumerate(atomgroup): leaflets[i] = self.atom_leaflet_by_distance(atom, cutoff=cutoff) return leaflets def get_first_outside_atoms(self, residues): atoms = residues.atoms.split("residue") residues = residues.residues outside_ix = np.where(~np.in1d(residues, self.residues))[0] if not len(outside_ix): return residues.atoms[[]] outside_atoms = sum([atoms[i][0] for i in outside_ix]) return outside_atoms