Source code for lipyds.leafletfinder.grouping

Grouping methods


.. autoclass:: GraphMethod

.. autoclass:: SpectralClusteringMethod

import abc
import warnings
from typing import Optional, List

from MDAnalysis.core.groups import AtomGroup
from MDAnalysis.analysis.distances import contact_matrix
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from ..lib.mdautils import (get_centers_by_residue, get_orientations,

class GroupingMethod(abc.ABC):
    def __init__(self, headgroups: AtomGroup,
                 tailgroups: Optional[AtomGroup]=None,
                 cutoff: float=15.0, pbc: bool=False):
        self.headgroups = headgroups
        if tailgroups is None:
            tailgroups = self.headgroups.residues.atoms - headgroups
        self.tailgroups = tailgroups
        self.n_residues = len(self.headgroups.residues)
        self.cutoff = cutoff
        self.pbc = pbc
        if pbc:
            self.get_box = lambda: self.headgroups.universe.dimensions
            self.get_box = lambda: None

    def run(self, **kwargs) -> List[List[int]]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs] class GraphMethod(GroupingMethod): def __init__(self, headgroups: AtomGroup, tailgroups: Optional[AtomGroup]=None, cutoff: float=15.0, pbc: bool=False, sparse: Optional[bool]=None, **kwargs): try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: raise ImportError("networkx is required to use this method " "but is not installed. Install it with " "`conda install networkx` or " "`pip install networkx`.") from None super().__init__(headgroups, tailgroups=tailgroups, cutoff=cutoff, pbc=pbc) self.sparse = sparse self.returntype = "numpy" if not sparse else "sparse" def run(self, **kwargs) -> List[List[int]]: import networkx as nx box = self.get_box() coordinates = get_centers_by_residue(self.headgroups, box=box) try: adj = contact_matrix(coordinates, cutoff=self.cutoff, box=box, returntype=self.returntype) except ValueError as exc: if sparse is None: warnings.warn("NxN matrix is too big. Switching to sparse " "matrix method") adj = contact_matrix(coordinates, cutoff=cutoff, box=box, returntype="sparse") elif sparse is False: raise ValueError("NxN matrix is too big. " "Use `sparse=True`") from None else: raise exc graph = nx.Graph(adj) groups = [list(c) for c in nx.connected_components(graph)] return groups
[docs] class SpectralClusteringMethod(GroupingMethod): def __init__(self, headgroups: AtomGroup, tailgroups: Optional[AtomGroup]=None, cutoff: float=30.0, pbc: bool=False, n_leaflets: int=2, delta: Optional[float]=20, cosine_threshold: float=0.8, angle_factor: float=1, **kwargs): try: import sklearn.cluster as skc except ImportError: raise ImportError('scikit-learn is required to use this method ' 'but is not installed. Install it with `conda ' 'install scikit-learn` or `pip install ' 'scikit-learn`.') from None super().__init__(headgroups, tailgroups=tailgroups, cutoff=cutoff, pbc=pbc) = delta self.cosine_threshold = cosine_threshold self.angle_factor = angle_factor self.predictor = skc.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=n_leaflets, affinity="precomputed", **kwargs) def _get_kernel(self) -> ArrayLike: box = self.get_box() coordinates = get_centers_by_residue(self.headgroups, box=box) orientations = get_orientations(self.headgroups, tailgroups=self.tailgroups, box=box, normalize=True, headgroup_centers=coordinates) dist_mat = get_distances_with_projection(coordinates, orientations, self.cutoff, box=box, angle_factor=self.angle_factor) delta = or np.max(dist_mat[dist_mat < self.cutoff*2]) / 3 gau = np.exp(- dist_mat ** 2 / (2. * delta ** 2)) # reasonably acute/obtuse angles are acute/obtuse anough angles =, orientations.T) cos = np.clip(angles, -self.cosine_threshold, self.cosine_threshold) cos += self.cosine_threshold cos /= (2*self.cosine_threshold) mask = ~np.isnan(cos) gau[mask] *= cos[mask] return gau def run(self, **kwargs) -> List[List[int]]: kernel = self._get_kernel() data_labels = self.predictor.fit_predict(kernel) ix = np.argsort(data_labels) indices = np.arange(self.n_residues) splix = np.where(np.ediff1d(data_labels[ix]))[0] + 1 cluster_indices = np.split(indices[ix], splix) return cluster_indices